To School or Not to School…

My son’s education is very important… so it amuses me when I receive messages from entrepreneurs who tell me I’m “hurting” JRoc by putting so much weight on his education… that I’m encouraging him to “follow the herd” & the best education is through real-life experiences.

J’s wanted to become a doctor since he was 3. At age 5 he decided he will become a heart surgeon. He’s almost 12 now and this decision has never changed… and it’s my responsibility as his mom to support him any way I possibly can.

And… I dunno bout you, but if ever imma need a heart surgeon, I want one who received the BEST education & training from the BEST schools…

If you prefer having your insides worked on by them self-taught ones, that’s your choice…

Moral of the story: We all live & lead individual lives with unique goals… life ain’t one-size-fits-all. 🙂



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