So I've posted answers to questions I'm asked most frequently from the mostly nice-ish humans I connect with on and offline. As tempted as I always am to post names of those who ask some of these questions, I never do.
You're welcome.

I'm getting therre.
If Chris Hemsworth asked, "Yes!"
INFJs tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all.

... yep. love you guys!

Down boy… rawrrr
Sure, why not.
Have I ever worried about it? Of course.
Looking back, did I have anything to worry about? Nope.
Yes. Deathly so.

Baby pink.
5’2″ I could’ve sworn I was 5’2″ and a half… but I have no idea where that half went.
(That’s 157.48 cm for the rest of the world.)
Sometimes I like to pink ombre my hair.
Yes. I live in the desert – I’ll shrivel up and die if I don’t stay hydrated.
This is for FREQUENTLY asked questions – with “frequent” being the keyword.