Never Treat Anyone Like A Throw-Away…

NEVER TREAT ANYONE LIKE A THROW-AWAY. (This was JRoc’s life lesson last week…)

When you invite people into your life, you expect them to be good company… but YOU are also TRUSTED to be a good host. You share laughs, tears, build a bond, a friendship… and grow more secure with one another after each passing day.

BUT… if *ever* you decide this connection no longer has any value to you… whether out of boredom, new interests, life events, etc… PLEASE find it in your heart to COMMUNICATE this and bring closure to the one who STILL believes you are special. Because no matter how insignificant YOU see them as, they will *continue* to have very real feelings for YOU and the relationship you had with each other.

Goodbyes are difficult enough… being shut out with no warning can be very traumatic.


And if you are at the *receiving* end of this… feeling as though you weren’t even worth the time & effort from someone who made you feel like a million bucks just days before, hurts like no other. Please fight through your bad days and continue with your journey. Go where you are ADORED, VALUED, and APPRECIATED… because that is what you truly deserve in your life… no less.

My 11 year old now understands that each person is just as important as any other… special in God’s eyes… a precious gift to the Universe… no matter what “value” anyone else may place on them.

I wanted Joshua to understand what a gift it is when another person welcomes him into their life and reserves a special place for him… and that even if (God forbid) he decides one day, that person isn’t all that fun/interesting/special anymore, it doesn’t mean he should just walk away and pretend they never existed (unless of course, they’ve been treating him poorly and he has to let go in order to protect himself).

Because altho his thoughts/feelings may have changed, it doesn’t mean the other person has… and he has to be sensitive to that person’s heart and approach the issue with kindness & honesty.

I also wanted him to remember that if ever anyone treats him like that, it doesn’t lower *his* value… that he’s still 100% JRoc, loved by God, shining bright in the universe.

… and that I will be right there ready to make certain whoever dares to treat my precious baby boy in such a manner will be sorry for the rest of eternity. Judge all you want, but I know mommas will get this.

I would love my son to *be* the change… so he can help *make* changes… I want him to be confident in himself so no one can make him feel like a throw away… and have compassion in others to recognize that NOBODY deserves to be treated like a throw away.



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