Recent conversation:
Friend: What do you have planned for your Thanksgiving tablescape?
Me: .................... huh?
Understandably, the first associated word to pop into my mind was... "manscape", but I figured that wasn't quite what she was referring to (reference to Thanksgiving kinda gave that away). So I turned to good ole Google for some enlightenment.
Turns out it's about...
dunno what happened here, but I'm guessing
Mylanta & Pepto were involved...
and with Christmas around the corner, we can’t forget…
Maybe… just *maybe* I would consider doing this…
I'm sure I'm ripping on this whole build-a-tiny-village-on-the-dinner-table idea because I could only *wish* I had the patience to put that together... just because I wanted to, and not for the compliments.
Because I KNOW if *I* took the time & effort to prepare sum'n like that... and NOBODY said a word about how amazingly mind-blowingly incredible the whole setup turned out, I'd walk out with my head hung low, lock myself in my room, and roll up in a ball in the darkest corner, and cry myself to sleep... as a matter of fact, I'm getting pretty depressed just thinking about it.
I think I'm just gonna avoid the possible emotional mess altogether and pretend I didn't even think about this. Yep... sounds like a brilliant idea to me.